Start: Geiranger, at the Tourist Information Office Times: 1-31 May, 1130 hrs and 1430 hrs 1 June-31 August, 0930 hrs, 1130 hrs, 1430 hrs and 1700 hrs 1-30 September, 1000 hrs and 1200 hrs Prices: NOK 190/adults, NOK 100/children (age 4-12), NOK 140/groups (min. Geiranger Fjord in Norway. Our Geiranger cruise port guide gives you information about the docking location, cruise dock, transportation options and much more! Sadly no computer though as both were broken. The small … Geiranger Tourist Information Office(ストランダ)に行くならトリップアドバイザーで口コミ(18件)、写真(29枚)、地図をチェック!Geiranger Tourist Information Officeはストランダで16位(26件中)の観光名所です。 Centros de visitantes. Geirangerfjord Das Dorf ist umgeben von steilen Bergen auf beiden Seiten des Fjords, was es zu einem der meistbesuchten Touristenziele mit mehr als 700.000 Besuchern jährlich macht. Abfahrten 1. Patchellhytta Stranda. THE JEWELS OF THE NORTH. In addition to information that is generally well communicated on other websites (like attractions and hotels), also provides “good to know” information like where to fill gas or where to charge an EV. Eksklusiv Fjordsightseeing Geiranger ; Fjord Cruise Alesund Geiranger; Hiking tur Skageflå ; FJORDSAFARI MED RIB; El-sykkelutleie. Kajakkutleie; Discover Kayaking; The Seven Sisters Tour; Farm Tour Skageflå; Naturpark. In 2005, the road … Quartal 2021 "Mein Schiff 3". Inspired by Experience. Geiranger Tourist Information Geiranger Tourist information centre. Abgesagt - Kanaren mit Madeira II & Kapverden. Skateflua (4,297.30 mi) Ålesund, Norway, 6002. Ihr Urlaub am Geirangerfjord. ‪Geiranger Tourist Information Office‬ (ستراندا, النرويج): طالع تعليقات وصور المسافرين عن ‪Geiranger Tourist Information Office‬ في ستراندا، النرويج. Get Directions +47 70 30 98 00. hochwertige und bezahlbare, lizenzfreie sowie lizenzpflichtige Bilder. Geiranger is a small tourist village in Sunnmøre region of Møre og Romsdal county in the western part of Norway.It is in the municipality of Stranda at the head of the Geirangerfjorden, which is a branch of the large Storfjorden.The nearest city is Ålesund.Geiranger is home to spectacular scenery, and has been named the best travel destination in Scandinavia by Lonely Planet. Voor meer info over Geiranger ga je naar de website van Geiranger Tourist Information. The girl was so good there that she actually offered to walk with me to show me where to go. Stranda. Mais um dos lugares encantadores da Noruefa, e desta vez devo destacar as centenas de casas com telhados de grama ou capim. Geiranger Tourist Information Office has recently relocated to a brand-new building. Read about the most beautiful fjords in western Norway. We chose this hotel for its awesome views over Geirangerfjord. Aktiviteter sightseeing turer med båt buss i geiranger ... Geiranger Tourist Information Office has recently relocated to a brand-new building. Geiranger Tourist Geiranger tourist information | Tourist Information ... Please be at the departure point 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time 1 tour. Leer más . This World Heritage site is a popular stop-over for cruise ships. Tourist Information Center in Ålesund, Norway. Escrita el 6 de julio de 2019. Visit Aalesund und Geiranger; Vigra Flughafen; Fährverkehr Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda: ดูรีวิว, บทความ, และภาพถ่ายของGeiranger Tourist Information Office, ในบรรดาสถานที่น่าสนใจใน Stranda, Møre og Romsdal บน Tripadvisor The girl was so good there that she actually offered to walk with me to show me where to go. If you are taking a cruise to Norway to see the Norwegian fjords make sure Geiranger is on your itinerary. Juli 2019. Book a car. The information was in English and there was also postcards and maps. The office can also be reached by telephone or email outside of these … Her er det så mye å oppleve! Finn ut mer. We can offer spaces with … Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda: Consulta 18 opiniones, artículos, y 29 fotos de Geiranger Tourist Information Office, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el … Traducir con Google. Sadly no computer though as both were broken . Learn about fjords, northern lights, midnight sun, where to stay, walking, fishing and more. Oavsett om du vandrar eller åker på sightseeing väntar makalösa vyer på dig här i det UNESCO-listade området i Fjord-Norge. Juli 2019 • Allein/Single. This description is not available in your language. Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et … Storseterfossen The tourist information office in Geiranger stocks a great little walking map detailing some super hikes from the village. Car Collections. The Fjordheim exhibition and playroom features glaciers, rivers, and rocks in the shape of amusing creatures.…. O que as pessoas estão a dizer “Casas com telhado de grama/capim ” set de 2015. Its expansive areas of inlets and bays, created over vast periods of time by the forceful action of immense glaciers, cutting dramatic gorges through the mountain ranges in their unstoppable march to the sea. An einer der Fjordseiten liegen einige heute verlassene Höfe. Auf Tripadvisor finden Sie alles für Geiranger, Stranda: 12.720 unabhängige Bewertungen von Hotels, Restaurants und Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie authentische Reisefotos. Besucherzentren. Boek snel je excursies vooruit én goedkoper: Hop-on-Hop-off-Besichtigungstour durch Alesund. Daarna rijden we langs het Eidsvatnet-meer en gaan verder naar Eidsdal, waar we de fjord oversteken naar Linge. 22,734 people follow this. The Tourist Information Office is open for the public from early May - medio September. Ta deg god tid, gjerne flere dager. Turistinformasjon, Tourist Information, Touristeninformation, tel. Geiranger - The Port - Tourist Information Office. Die Touristinformation Geiranger, die neue Räumlichkeiten bezogen hat, ist von Anfang Mai bis Mitte September geöffnet. Stanna en stund, det finns så mycket att göra! Geirangerfjorden Marina is centrally located in Geiranger with shops and restaurants … There are also a few spirals. Alle Ausflüge zeigen. Find and book city tours, helicopter tours, day trips, show tickets, sightseeing day tours, popular activities and things to do in hundreds of destinations worldwide, plus unbiased tour reviews and photos of tours and attractions from thousands of travelers Restaurants in der Nähe von Geiranger Tourist Information Office auf Tripadvisor: Schauen Sie sich 3.516 Bewertungen und 483 authentische Fotos von Restaurants in der Nähe von Geiranger Tourist Information Office in Stranda, Norwegen an. Sea Kayaking in the Great Fjords. About Geiranger This Norwegian tourist town is a magnet for outdoor adventurers, who flock each year for the Geiranger - From Fjord to Summit half-marathon and bike race. This fjord is surrounded by snow capped mountains and many waterfalls and is an UNESCO world heritage site. The Geirangerfjord . Once upon a time, there was a place with majestic, snow-covered mountain peaks, wild waterfalls and lush, green vegetation... The Geirangerfjord . The Geirangerfjord . ...wait, that is the reality in the Geirangerfjord, not just a fairytale! The Geiranger fjord . The Geiranger fjord . Fjords are found in locations where current or past glaciation extended below current sea level. De Trollstigen bergweg is niet alleen een absolute 'must see', maar ook een een alternatieve route naar het Geirangerfjord en omgeving. Das kleine Dorf liegt umgeben von hohen Bergen ganz am Ende des berühmten Geirangerfjords. Områdets enestående naturomgivelser er et resultat af den seneste istid, hvor gletsjerne skar sig igennem landskabet og undervejs dannede dybe fjorde og høje fjelde. Opening hours: Mo-Su 0900-1800. N° 16 sur 26 activités à Stranda. The office can also be reached by telephone or email outside of these … Norway's best AS is one of the leading travel companies in Norway which organise travel and highly-attractive experiences in Flåm and the rest of Fjord Norway. Die Firma Norway Excursions verfügt über jahrelange Erfahrung in der Welt des Tourismus, bei Bereitstellung und Führung von Exkursionen in Norwegen. Appeler. Außerhalb dieses Zeitraums ist die Touristinformation Montag bis Freitag von 10.00 … There are many attractions in Oslo, such as the … November 2020. Deze bergweg slingert langs steile bergwanden, loopt langs watervallen, is hier en daar smal en soms zelfs zenuwslopend. Tourist information: Yes Bus and minibus: Yes Taxi and limousine: Yes Rental cars: Yes Public transportation: Yes Guide Service: All major languages Shopping: Close to the pier Medical emergency: Phone 113 Nearest hospital: Ålesund 110 km Tax refund: Yes Passengers facilities in port area Shuttle service: Not necessary Parking place for buses and distance: Close to the pier … It is located entirely in the Stranda Municipality. Alle Ausflüge zeigen. Nur etwa 200 Menschen leben dauerhaft hier. In addition to information that is generally well communicated on other websites (like attractions and hotels), also provides “good to know” information like where to fill gas or where to charge an EV. The Tourist Information Office is open for the public from early May - medio September. Dank seiner natürlichen Schönheit steht der Geirangerfjord klarerweise oft auf den Listen der spektakulärsten Orte der Welt. The iconic Geirangerfjord, which has earned a place on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, is one of the most beautiful fjords in the world, so it’s no wonder travellers want to see it for themselves Mein Schiff 3 7.1.21 - 21.1.21. kufi_42 18. The walk on path A winds up through woodland to Vesterås Farm, which has a friendly café. Look up the English to German translation of Tourist-Information in the PONS online dictionary. Oslo. The village of Flåm has since the late 19th century been a tourist destination. Overview Details. Telefonar. Links Tourist Information. El-sykkelutleie; Bike Tur 1 Ørnesvingen; Bike Tur 2 Flydals Juvet; Bike Tur 3 Sykkel og fottur; Bike Tur 4 Mt Dalsnibba; KAJAKKTURER MED GUIDE. Outside of this period, the Tourist Information Office is open at the Norwegian Fjordsenter from Monday to Saturday 10.00 - 15.00. You’ll have a viking-style lunch while you take in the incredible view. Seit Juli 2005 gehört er zum UNESCO Weltnaturerbe. No matter how you choose to ford the fjords, you'll see why Norway is known for … and with… Go to: Patchellhytta. Die Region Geirangerfjord, Norwegen – Fjorde und Wasserfälle DIE REGION GEIRANGERFJORD Ein UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe Es war einmal ein Land mit majestätischen, schneebedeckten Berggipfeln, wilden Wasserfällen und grünen Tälern. Norway is famous for its fjords, the narrow, steep-sided inlets formed by retreating glaciers at the end of the Ice Age. Outside of this period, the Tourist Information Office is open at the Norwegian Fjordsenter from Monday to Saturday 10.00 - 15.00. Go … The information was in English and there was also postcards and maps. Offices de tourisme. The Geiranger fjord . Planen Sie hier Ihr nächstes spektakuläres Fjorderlebnis. Riesige Sammlung, hervorragende Auswahl, mehr als 100 Mio. Unfortunately, during our stay in Geiranger, it was wet and foggy and at times we could barely see the fjord from the hotel. Entdecken Sie Norwegen mit uns. Geiranger Tourist Information Office has recently relocated to a brand-new building. Hotels in der Nähe von Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda: Auf Tripadvisor finden Sie 4'138 bewertungen von reisenden, 459 authentische Reisefotos und Top-Angebote für 20 hotels Hotels in Stranda. Nr. Geiranger Tourist Information Geiranger Tourist Information Phone: +47 70 26 30 99 Address: Gamle ferjekai, Stranda 6216, Norway. 70 26 30 99 Geiranger is the smallest but most impressive place imaginable. Beliebte Touren und Aktivitäten in und in der Umgebung von Stranda. Norwegian Scenic Routes - The Atlantic road A unique stretch of road which takes you right out to the ocean's edge. Hierfür musst Du keine Tour buchen, sondern Du kannst alles ganz einfach selbst zu Fuß erreichen.Du brauchst kein Taxi und keinen Bus, sondern läufst direkt ab dem Schiff los. Nettopp derfor står Geirangerfjorden på UNESCOs prestisjefulle verdensarvliste – og flere andre lister over de vakreste stedene i verden. Bitte geben Sie ein anderes Datum ein. Neues Platform, Geiranger Skywalk, von Juni 2016 „Wahrscheinlich die … Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda: See 18 reviews, articles, and 29 photos of Geiranger Tourist Information Office, ranked No.15 on Tripadvisor among 26 … Hire Car Type: Apply a discount code. Få på deg turskoene, og gå den nasjonale turstien opp til Fosseråsa. 5. Geiranger Fjord: One of the most spectacular fjord in Norway is Geiranger fjord. National Tourist Route Geiranger-Trollstigen. This site aims to be a guide for what and where to find in Geiranger. Address: Kleivane. Verfasst am 6. Mehr lesen. Six days of kayaking, starting at Ålesund through the Storfjord & … Foto : Visit Geirangerfjord. Where We Stayed in Geiranger: Hotel Utsikten. The office can also be reached by telephone or email outside of these … Camping right next to the ferry station. Disembarkation and embarkation from Skageflå & Knivsflå. jul. About See All. 21,536 people like this. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. 18. Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda: Consulta 18 opiniones, artículos, y 29 fotos de Geiranger Tourist Information Office, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el … Je valt dus van de ene verbazing in de andere. Driving Trollstigen is a dramatic and exciting experience.… Read more. With a wide range of travellers passing through our locations … Head to Geiranger to see Europe's highest fjord, or explore Molde's 12-mile fjord that winds through the archipelago. Im Sommer steigt die Zahl der Bewohner von Geiranger auf 2.000. Leider sind an den von Ihnen gewählten Daten keine Touren oder Aktivitäten verfügbar. Nicky75 25. Tourist at Preikestolen Cliff. Norway's best AS gehört zu den führenden Reiseunternehmen in Norwegen und organisiert Reisen und sehr attraktive Erlebnisse in Flåm und im übrigen Fjordnorwegen. Nach … … Continue reading "WHAT IS A FJORD AND HOW WAS IT … Experiences. 366. reviews. Geirangerfjorden Marina Stranda. The content is based on numerous visits to Geiranger as well … Hellesylt. Geiranger Tourist information centre. Hier meine genaue Wegbeschreibung: Du verlässt dein Kreuzfahrtschiff (wahrscheinlich über ein Tender-Boot) am Schiffskai neben der „Tourist Information“ (gibt nur einen in Geiranger). It is easy to travel by car or bicycle in Lofoten. Walk the national tourist trail Fosseråsa and sneak behind the Storseter waterfall. Or imagine being the farmers who lived on the small farms Skageflå or Knivsflå – clinging several hundred meters up the mountainside. The Geiranger fjord . The Geiranger fjord . Rent a kayak to find out how tall the mountains look like from a fish's point of view.. Geiranger Church is the main church of the village and the surrounding area. Keine Registrierung notwendig, einfach kaufen. Oslo: The Viking Ship Museum exhibits two of the best preserved Viking ships from the 9th century. The girl was so good there that she actually offered to walk with me to show me where to go. Driving Directions and Parking Information Copenhagen Langelinie Pier Berth #190 Copenhagen, Denmark . geiranger is home to some of the most spectacular viewpoints in western pass the ørnesvingen viewpoint on your way to or from geiranger if you take the road to or from eidsdal.the winding roads are an experience in themselves, but remember to stop at the viewpoint and admire the can drive the other way towards stryn from the … 2 touren. Page Transparency … Outside of this period, the Tourist Information Office is open at the Norwegian Fjordsenter from Monday to Saturday 10.00 - 15.00. Visit Geiranger - an (unoffical) guide to Geiranger. Finden Sie das perfekte geiranger tourist-Stockfoto. The office can also be reached by telephone or email outside of these … Things to do in the Geirangerfjord area Find attractions and activities Try rafting, go for a hike in the mountains, or enjoy a sightseeing trip on the Geirangerfjord. São lindas, diferentes e … Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda - Δείτε κριτικές, πληροφορίες και φωτογραφίες στο Tripadvisor (Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda) Fjord Tours offers the «world’s most popular Norway tour», the Norway in a nutshell® tour that brings you from Bergen by train to Myrdal where you board one of … This tour runs 9 – 12 hours. Kig nærmere på den dybblå og UNESCO-beskyttede Geirangerfjord. Okay, … Most ride the 20-kilometre (12 mi) Flåm Line between Flåm and Myrdal, one of the steepest railway tracks at 1 in 18 (not counting rack railways) in the world. Community See All. 5 touren. 5 out of 5 stars. Geiranger Tourist Information Office. Outside of this period, the Tourist Information Office is open at the Norwegian Fjordsenter from Monday to Saturday 10.00 - 15.00. N.º 16 de 26 atividades em Stranda. Ce qu'en disent les voyageurs “Office de tourisme de Geiranger ” juil. Price Range $$ Opens Tomorrow. Lees wat Cruisereiziger zelf heeft gedaan in Geiranger op de Blog van de Celebrity Infinity. 15 von 25 Aktivitäten in Stranda. Discount/CDP/Club Code : Get a quote. Tourist Information Center. Gern besucht werden Skageflå, Knivsflå und Blomberg. Geiranger Camping lies at the centre of the tourist village of Geiranger, and is an excellent starting point… Geirangerfjorden Marina is centrally located in Geiranger with shops and restaurants within short walking… Go to: Geirangerfjorden Marina. Geiranger hat rund 240 Einwohner, die überwiegend vom Tourismus leben. From here there are 15 minutes walk to Langelinie … Geiranger Tourist Information Office has recently relocated to a brand-new building. In lovely surroundings in the far west of Habostaddalen, below the mountain Slogen (1564 masl.) The Geirangerfjord area, Norway – Fjords and waterfalls THE GEIRANGERFJORD UNESCO world heritage Once upon a time, there was a place with majestic, snow-covered mountain peaks, wild waterfalls and lush, green vegetation... ...wait, that is the reality in the Geirangerfjord, not just a … The spectacular platform, Geiranger Skywalk, guarantees you an… : Geiranger Skywalk - Dalsnibba Add to Your Trip Phone: +47 7120 1444. close. Geiranger harbour behind the tourist information building in Geiranger, Next to Rådhusbrygga - Ålesund Central Bus station (Rutebilstsjon) South Harbour-see map here or download a PDF map here Sjøholt Map Stranda Map Geiranger Map. This site aims to be a guide for what and where to find in Geiranger. Geiranger is so well-known that it hardly needs an introduction – this historic area with its spectacular, unspoiled nature is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Norway. The Tourist Information Office is open for the public from early May - medio September. Geiranger Tourist Information Office - Stranda. Geiranger, 200 Riksveg 63. 18 Bewertungen. 2019. Plan your next spectacular fjord experience here. 4. StrandaGeiranger Tourist Information Office:Tripadvisor網上在Stranda26個旅遊景點中排名第16 , 看看關於Geiranger Tourist Information Office18則評論、文章和29張照片。 Alors sachant que je descendais d'un bateau croisière.. C etait la cohu totale à l office de tourisme. Probieren Sie Rafting, wandern Sie in den Bergen oder genießen Sie eine Sightseeing-Tour auf dem Geirangerfjord. Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung … If you chose to stay here, hopefully you will have better luck. Viking Ship Museum. Change to S-train A, B, C or E-line and take the train 1 stop to Østerport Station. The information was in English and there was also postcards and maps. Der Haupterwerb ist der Tourismus. The Geiranger Fjord is a fjord in the Sunnmøre region of Møre og Romsdal county, Norway. Geiranger Tourist Information Office has recently relocated to a brand-new building. 10 … It is almost “mandatory” to try your hand at the Lofoten cod fishing, or perhaps a sea eagle safari, a stimulating boat trip in a RIB boat, or you can go it alone in a kayak or go snorkelling in the Arctic waters. 1193 Europe’s highest fjord view from a road. Geiranger Tourist Information Office, Stranda: Consulta 18 opiniones, artículos, y 29 fotos de Geiranger Tourist Information Office, clasificada en Tripadvisor en el … Norsk Fjordsenter Fossevandring Ø 1 8 2 9 3 30 12 14 13 15 21 20 19 18 17 22 50 16 23 28 29 38 24 25 11B 32 26 27 31 4 5 C D 6 7 11A 10 C D 1. This forms a narrow, steep sided inlet (in Norway, sometimes deeper than 1300 meters) connected to the sea. Closed Now. Skrevet 6. juli 2019. It is a 15-kilometre -long branch off the Sunnylvsfjorden, which is a branch off the Storfjorden . Getting from Copenhagen Airport to Langelinie or Nordre Toldbod by metro and train: Take the Metro from Copenhagen Airport to Nørreport Station. Geiranger Camping lies at the centre of the tourist village of Geiranger, and is an excellent starting point… In lovely surroundings in the far west of Habostaddalen, below the mountain Slogen (1564 masl.) Don’t miss the awe-inspiring fjord and waterfalls, especially the Seven Sisters, the Suitor and the Bridal Veil. Geiranger, Norway. This Norwegian tourist town is a magnet for outdoor adventurers, who flock each year for the Geiranger - From Fjord to Summit half-marathon and bike race. This World Heritage site is a popular stop-over for cruise ships. Hier haben wir Informationen für Landausflüge in Geiranger auf eigene Faust zusammengestellt. This site aims to be a guide for what and where to find in Geiranger. Alle Ausflüge zeigen. Sehenswürdigkeiten, Ausflüge und Aktivitäten am Geirangerfjord.

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