and standing at 17-22 inches tall as well. Forbe - holdet over for fremmede og mang - lende interesse for jagt gør kees - honden til en ideel vogter af hus og ejendom. This compact, very muscular and rugged dog is winning prizes at exhibitions and nowadays, the Keeshond The Keeshond is a fluffy, medium sized dog that has a pointed muzzle like that of a fox. Finnish Spitz: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em. 5 x 0.07 x 8 inches. A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance including the correct colour of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. German Spitz is a breed of spitz-type dog from Germany. Their . Dutch Barge Dog, Smiling Dutchman, Chien Loup, German Spitz, Deutscher Wolfsspitz, Wolfsspitz, Kees : Nihon Supittsu : Breed Type Central European dogs were (and in part they still are) watchdogs or herding dogs and usually do not display distinctive hunting behavior. Dog breed guide for the Keeshond, German Spitz information, dog care, spitz dog temperament, handling and training companion dogs, dog description and Keeshond pictures, Dutch Barge Dog, Smiling Dutchman, Wolfsspitz An excellent children's companion, active, intelligent, very keen and outgoing, Keeshonden are full of personality. Considered a single breed, it comes in five distinct varieties based on size and colour: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz . On Wuuff all the puppies for sale are raised by experienced breeders who are focused on the three pillars of quality, health and love for their dogs. The Wolfsspitz or Keeshond dogs are gray-colored and medium-sized breeds. German Spitz has five more varieties based on size and color, namely Giant German Spitz, Wolfsspitz (Keeshond), Mittel Spitz (Medium), Klein Spitz (Miniature) and Zwergspitz (Toy Spitz or Pomeranian). The Eurasier is a Spitz type dog that originated in Germany in 1960, developed by crossing Chow Chows with German Wolfsspitz. German Spitz Dog Breed: Pictures, Colors, Bark ... If you cannot find the puppy of your dreams here, browse our list of breeders to contact any of the German Wolfspitz breeders we are honored to work with. In the section 4 you will find dog breeds from the countries Germany and Italy. The Keeshond is the variety called Wolfsspitz in Germany, the Pomeranian is know there as Kleinspitz. Temperament: Lively and loyal, intelligent and eager to please, can be prone to barking. Keeshond is a medium-sized dog related to the family of German spitzes. 21.10.2015 - Wolfsspitz/Keeshond, Großspitz, Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz, Zwergspitz/Pomeranian Wolfsspitz Grossspitz Mittelspitz Kleinspitz Zwergspitz Herkunftsland: Deutschland FCI-Nummer: Gruppe 5. Keeshond Dog Breed Information - Animaroo However, only the Giant, Medium, and Miniature are recognized in the US as German Spitz. Spitz's first relevance was found in 1450 when Germany's Count Eberhard Zu Sayn noticed that this breed was a courageous guardian of the fields and home. Jh. The German Spitz (German: Deutscher Spitz) is a breed of spitz-type dogs from Germany.Considered a single breed, it comes in five distinct varieties based on size and colour: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz, the Miniature Spitz or Kleinspitz and the Pomeranian or Zwergspitz ("Dwarf Spitz"). Der Spitz war der Hund des Volkes, den adligen Herrn begleiteten Wind- und Jagdhunde. Keeshond Dog Breed: Facts, Traits, Character and Look ... 7# Poodle German Spitz, like all spitzen, have many physical features found in oldest stone age fossil dogs in Central Europe, leading experts at the time to believe that the spitz is the oldest dog type. The German Spitz is a breed of spitz-type dogs from Germany. German Spitz Breed Guide - Learn about the ... - Pet Paw In fact, the Keeshond is the largest representative of the German Spitz. Keeshond Dog Breed Information - All ... - All About Dogs . The tail is set high, moderately long, and well feathered. 10 of Most Obedient Dog Breeds - Complete List With Pictures Height : Male : 17 to 19 inches (44 - 48 cm) Female : 16 to 18 inches (40 - 46 cm) Weight : 35 to 45 pounds (15-20 kg) Litter Size : Between 3 to 8 puppies. Dog Wolfspitz (Keeshond): traits and pictures Keeshond, German Spitz Dog Breed Guide Information and ... Keeshond Information. The fox-like Finnish Spitz is lively and agile, quick and light on his feet. Meet the Spectacular Spitz Breeds - American Kennel Club Samoyed Personality and Behavior This dog is recognized for being gentle, kind, affectionate, and friendly to its owners and human family members. Wie viel wiegt ein Wolfsspitz. Considered a single breed, it comes in five distinct varieties based on size and colour: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz, the Miniature Spitz or Kleinspitz and the Pomeranian or Zwergspitz. Also known as the Swedish Cattle Dog, Vallhund Corgi, and Wolf Corgi, this Swedish dog breed has been around since the Vikings sailed the seas. German Spitz Dogs For Adoption Near You - Adopt or Rehome ... Referred to as the Dutch Barge Dog, the Keeshond is a breed from the Netherlands with pointed ears, a double coat, and a tightly-curled tail. They weigh between 5-10 Kilograms . Many keeshonden love agility, rally and other dog activities. Wikipedia. Keep reading! The breed has a long history of popularity with the people of Holland and was, and still is, used for a variety of jobs, including as a watch dog . Smaller breeds resemble foxes, while larger breeds resemble wolves. erkor ein Anführer niederländischer Patrioten namens Kees den Wolfsspitz zum Maskottchen im Kampf für das Volk gegen das Haus Oranje. Temperament The German Spitz and Keeshond are full of life and love to play with children. There are artifacts from China's Han Dynasty depicting these dogs from around 200 b.c. It needs patient, consistent training, devoid of harsh punishments. Life Span : Between 12 to 15 years Temperament : Calm, Courageous, Friendly, and Keen Height (Male) : Between 18 to 20 inches (46-52 cm) Height (Female) : Between 16 to 19 inches (41-47 cm) Weight : Between 37 to 42 pounds (17-19 kg) Colors : Black, Blonde, Brown, Cream, Tan, and Wolf Sable Even though a Toy dog, the Pomeranian must be subject to the same requirements of soundness Page 3 of 3 and structure prescribed for all breeds, and any deviation from the ideal . The German Spitz dog is one of the oldest European breeds. You need to understand your dog's behavior, personality, appearance, and characteristics to name a dog. Spitz Breed: The dog is not actually a breed . Finding a German Wolfspitz puppy for sale . The size of the German Spitz will largely depend on the variety that you choose. Der Holländische Schifferspitz oder Keeshond und der Wolfsspitz sind identisch. Wolfsspitz or Keeshond; . They can also get along with strangers; however, socialization training may be required depending on their personality. They are often characterized as dogs that are dense and have long coats with pointed ears and curvy tails. This breed is a real character that is quick to learn if its owners are consistent. Absolute soundness is essential. The German Spitz is an ancient breed that shares their heritage . Considered a single breed, it is available in 5 awesome varieties based on size and color: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz, the Miniature Spitz or Kleinspitz, and the Pomeranian or Zwergspitz. For example: you need a Labrador Retriever because you need more work ethic and cold tolerance than you can find in the UK retrievers. Later, the Samoyed was also added to improve character, appearance and health. "Spitz" breeds, sometimes called Northern breeds, are a type of dog frequently found in cold climates.These breeds, including the rare German spitz, have thick double coats (a longer outer coat combined with a shorter, thicker undercoat), a wedge-shaped head, upright triangular ears, and a long . Kees stands at 16 to 19 inches in height and weighs 35 - 45 kg. Temperament/Behavior. The origins of the German Spitz breed are not very clear, but the most widespread theory states that they descend from the stone age dogs of Central Europe, which the FCI names Canis familiaris palustris Rüthimeyer.Many contemporary breeds of the "primitive type" descend from these dogs and manifest traits similar to those of the gray wolf, such as erect, front-facing ears, a pointed snout . Finnish Spitz temperament, personality, training, behavior, pros and cons, advice, and information, by Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books. The Giant Spitz is an intelligent and trainable dog. The gait of the keeshond is distinctive: clean, bold and brisk, with only slight to moderate reach and drive. False and outdated images of its temperament make people wary, but underneath the Chow Chow's plush coat is a warm and friendly heart. At first sight, the Schipperke looks like a Belgian Shepherd Groenendael miniature.. It is named after an 18 th -century Dutch patriot Cornelis (Kees) de Gyselaer. Im 18. Food/Diet. Hypoallergenic: No. Reply Link. [2] It has a long straight harsh outer coat standing off . Around 1960 he mated Keeshond (Wolfsspitz) bitches with Chow-Chow males, later the breed Samoyed, which originates in Siberia, was added. However, it is known that the Japanese Spitz was first exhibited in 1921 at a Tokyo show, and two white Spitz were brought from Canada in 1925. Als größte der Spitzarten erreicht der Wolfsspitz eine Schulterhöhe zwischen 45 und 55 Zentimetern. Chow Chow. The Keeshond ( / ˈ k eɪ z. h ɒ n d / KAYZ-hond; plural: Keeshonden) is a medium-sized dog with a plush two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a 'ruff' and a curled tail. The breed was intended to have the . Swedish Vallhund - A Spitfire of a Spitz Breed Dog. Early associates of this kind were seen in Pomerania, a significant part of Poland and Germany. Spitz (derived from the German word spitz 'pointed') is a type of domestic dog characterized by long, thick, and often white fur, and pointed ears and muzzles. The Chow Chow is a proud dog with a lion-like appearance that's a guaranteed head-turner. This butterfly dog is perfect for retired and attentive owners and for every family and owner that are also attentive. German Spitz, like all spitzen, have many physical features found in oldest stone age fossil dogs in Central Europe, leading experts at the time to believe that the spitz is the oldest dog type. The Keeshond (often called the Wolfspitz) is a typical representative of the Spitz family. Temperament & Behaviour. Temperament. Read more. The Keeshond is an incredible family dog. The breeding goal was a friendly animal suitable for families, which was similar to a polar dog in appearance. The German Spitz (German: Deutscher Spitz) is a breed of spitz-type dogs from Germany.Considered a single breed, it comes in five distinct varieties based on size and colour: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz, the Miniature Spitz or Kleinspitz and the Pomeranian or Zwergspitz ("Dwarf Spitz"). These affectionate dogs fit in well as part of the family and is outgoing toward most people . The Keeshond is a bright, charming breed that will need an owner who . You have decen. The Keeshond owes its name to its wild and wolf-like appearance. Temperament/Behavior. Spitz is a group of northern dogs, including the chow, Pomeranian, and Samoyed. The tail often curls over the dog's back or droops. Publication date. The Papillon breed is a small, portable breed package with a huge personality and curiosity. Originally called the German Spitz, more specifically the Wolfsspitz, the name was officially changed to Keeshond in England, where it had been known as the Dutch Barge Dog, in 1926. Smart, alert, and high-spirited, they are fast learners, eager to learn and please his owners. The Wolfspitz () Mittelspitz (Medium Spitz), Kleinspitz (Miniature Spitz), Zwergspitz (Dwarf-Spitz), or Pomeranian belongs to this type of breed too.The Wolfspitz and the Giant Spitz are divided primarily by color, though . The German spitz is a small- to medium-sized fluffy companion breed that hails from Germany. Spitz dogs originate from northern regions including Scandinavia, Russia, Asia, and North America. In 1973 the dog was finally recognised by the international dog association FCI. The adorable German Spitz has the potential to stop dog lovers in their tracks. The Keeshond is a very lively, active, and intelligent dog. Nr. The breeds thought to be used for the development of the Japanese Spitz include white German Spitz, Klein Wolfsspitz (also known as the Keeshond), and various miscellaneous white spitz-type breeds. Language. ~ s Aliases: Dutch Barge Dog, Smiling Dutchman, Chien Loup, German Spitz, Wolfsspitz, Deutscher Wolfsspitz, Kees ~ For . It is an all-purpose dog, a generalist rather than a specialist, and its build reflects this. Wie groß wird Wolfsspitz? October 18, 2021. Considered a single breed, it comes in five distinct varieties based on size and colour: the Wolfsspitz or Keeshond, the Giant Spitz or Großspitz, the Medium Spitz or Mittelspitz, the Miniature Spitz or Kleinspitz and the Pomeranian or Zwergspitz ("Dwarf Spitz"). They are highly affectionate, friendly, and outgoing. Personality of a Keeshond. These small dogs are loyal, attentive, and energetic, while also instinctively watching out for their families. This breed is cheerful, alert, dynamic and is very attached to their human family, but also reserved with strangers and barkers, so they can be good guard dogs; although they are not good as protection dogs.. It originated in Holland, and its closest relatives are the German spitzes such as the Großspitz (Large Spitz), Mittelspitz (Medium Spitz), Kleinspitz (Miniature Spitz), Zwergspitz (Dwarf-Spitz) or Pomeranian. The German Spitz is a breed of spitz-type dogs from Germany. These dogs are highly intelligent so they can sometimes be a bit obstinate, but they are unfailingly loyal to their family. Keeshonds are full of personality and become very excited about certain things. Deutscher Wolfsspitz Kees Smiling Dutchman Wolfsspitz Dutch Barge Dog : Flatte Flattie Flatcoat : Breed Type . However, the breed is also thought to have originated in Germany, and related to the German Spitz family. Dutch Barge Dog, Smiling Dutchman, Chien Loup, German Spitz, Deutscher Wolfsspitz, Wolfsspitz, Kees : Barking Bird Dog, Finnish Hunting Dog, Finnish Spets, Finsk . The Nordic Hunting Dogs, listed in section 2 of the group 5 from FCI, are in contrast to these hunting dogs. Keeshond is attached to all members of the family and friendly to other animals. : 097 Varietäten, Größen und Farben: Wolfsspitz Größe: 43 - 55 cm Farbe: nur graugewolkt Großspitz Größe: 42 - 50 cm Farbe: schwarz, braun, weiß Mittelspitz Größe: 30 - 38 . Nr. 2. As much as this breed looks like a wolf, the West Siberian Laika is by no means a mean or aggressive breed. The Giant Spitz has a black, white, or brown-colored coat with white spots on paws, chest, or tails. and it is a loyal, playful . : 097 Varietäten, Größen und Farben: Wolfsspitz Größe: 43 - 55 cm Farbe: nur graugewolkt Großspitz Größe: 42 - 50 cm Farbe: schwarz, braun, weiß Mittelspitz Größe: 30 - 38 . This breed is medium-sized. The German Spitz, characterized by a fun-loving and energetic disposition, will make you laugh with its antics. Breed of spitz-type dogs from Germany. The dog should keep the tail always curled tightly over the back and move boldly. --Cuon 10:05, 29 January 2007 (UTC) If pups are well socialized, the Wolfspitz can . The Keeshond [Wolfsspitz] is a medium-sized dog with a plush two-layer coat of silver and black woolen fur with a 'ruff' and a curled tail. Appearance A member of the spitz group of dogs, the Kees in AKC standard is 17 to 18 inches (about 45 cm) tall and 19.25 (46 cm) +/- 2.4 inches (6 cm) in the FCI . The Giant spitz (also known as the Großspitz), is also a medium size, weighing up to 40 lbs. These particular dogs are also known as Graugewolkter Spitz or Wolfsspitz. It originated in Holland, and its closest relatives are the German spitzes such as the Großspitz (Large Spitz), Mittelspitz (Medium Spitz), Kleinspitz (Miniature Spitz), Zwergspitz (Dwarf-Spitz) or Pomeranian. The Swedish Vallhund may be one of the lesser-known purebred dogs, but what it lacks in renown it makes up for in personality and versatility. Temperament. That being said, it makes a great family companion, always ready to . This breed stands 16 to 18 inches tall and weighs 33 to 44 pounds at maturity. Unlike other breeds of dogs, Samoyeds get along well with children and other pets. [2] Answer (1 of 6): It's OK to create a new breed of dog in my mind when three conditions are met: 1. Klein Wolfsspitz (Keeshond) And other white spitz-type dog breeds; How Big Is A Japanese Spitz (Weight & Height) Most Kennel Clubs tend to disagree when it comes to what size the Japanese Spitz should be. They weigh 55-66 lb (25-30 kg) and are 17-22 in (43-55 cm) tall. BEHOV Ikke specielt meget motion - men gåture med masser af . Although there are differences in size, all German spitz, from keeshond to pomerania, share the basic characteristics of temperament. An existing breed cannot fulfill your needs. In 1973, the breed was renamed Eurasier and was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. Temperament and Behavior. The Giant Spitz is a cheerful and playful breed that enjoys spending time with family. The Keeshond has a very distinctive gait. The Chow Chow is a unique and ancient breed that could be one of the original spitz-types. FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Keeshond is a very old breed, is known as ''Dutch barge dog'', has a gorgeous appearance and unique temperament of companion dog. The Dutch barge dog, the German Spitz, or Wolfsspitz are other names for this breed. Keeshond, as it is known today, is generally believed to have originated in the Netherlands. The idea came from Julius Wipfel, with the goal of creating "a polar dog with beautiful and attractive colours and a strong, but at the same time charming temperament". Many dogs are under the category of Spitz, like Finnish Spitz, the Eskimo, Greenland dog, and the Lapland spitz. Between the mid-1920s and the mid-1930s, white spitzes, including Keeshond (the white Klein Wolfsspitz), were imported from Canada, the United States, Australia, and China. Previous page. Sektion 4. Print length. It is a medium-sized dog and a member of the Spitz group of dogs. The Keeshond (/ ˈ k eɪ s h ɒ n d / KAYSS-hond, plur. English. The Keeshond is a very bright dog as evidenced by its level of achievement in obedience work. It is known to have an independent streak, which coupled with its mischiefs could make it a challenge to own. Keeshonden) is a medium-sized dog with a plush, two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a ruff and a curled tail. If they become excited they are known to spin around and around in happy circles. The wolfsspitz (keeshond in other countries), mittel spitz (medium), klein spitz (miniature) and zwergspitz (giant spitz) (toy, recognized as the pomeranian in other countries). They can be trained to perform. It is the most primitive and oldest dog breed that originated from the central part of Europe. If you are looking for a versatile dog that is great with children and makes a great watchdog, the German Spitz may be the perfect breed for you. The Keeshond (/ ˈ k eɪ s h ɒ n d / KAYSS-hond, plur. federation cynologique international did not accept the Kesshond till 1977 as an own breed cause it was to close to the wolfsspitz. The keeshond is a square-proportioned, sturdy dog of Northern type. Personality. Keeshond vs Flat-Coated Retriever behavior/temperament comparison: Agile Obedient Quick Intelligent Bright Playful Sturdy : Friendly Devoted Outgoing Confident Optimistic Intelligent : Intelligent . Der Wolfsspitz wird 16 bis 25 Kilogramm schwer. The movement is straight and sharp. While we can't detail each breed's history here, below is a list of roles that Spitz dogs have held over the centuries. However, such a connection has not been proven so far. In the United States, the Japanese Spitz is recognized by the United Kennel Club, where it is part of the Northern Breeds group. This dog breed is categorized as a German spitz dog, also known as Wolfsspitz. Meget lærevillig og let at opdrage. Spitz dogs have a vast and varied history: the Chow Chow is one of the most ancient dogs breeds and the Alaskan Malamute is a descendant of domesticated wolves!. In Holland the German spitz is known as Keeshond. Keeshonds are nicknamed "the Dutch barge dog." One of the most bear-like feature of this breed is its heavy coat. Being an intelligent dog, most problems with Keeshonden stem from the dog inventing its own activities (often destructive ones, like digging and chewing). ISBN-13. Typisch für den Wolfsspitz ist auch sein geringer Eigengeruch: Selbst wenn das Fell nass ist, hinterlässt er keine unangenehmen Düfte. This breed is highly intelligent and loving. 21.10.2015 - Wolfsspitz/Keeshond, Großspitz, Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz, Zwergspitz/Pomeranian Wolfsspitz Grossspitz Mittelspitz Kleinspitz Zwergspitz Herkunftsland: Deutschland FCI-Nummer: Gruppe 5. History; The Keeshond ("kayz-hawnd") is a member of the Spitz (Northern Dogs) family and is of the same stock as the German Spitz, probably being a direct descendant of the German Wolfspitz. TEMPERAMENT Altid opmærksom, livlig og usæd - vanlig trofast over for sin ejer. Temperament: The Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog. Sektion 4. So there is a difference between the English use of the word Keeshond and the Dutch original. Den er hverken sky eller aggressiv. Manatek Pomeranians. The Wolfsspitz, which is also called the Keeshond, can weigh between 55 and 66 lbs., giving it a medium build at 17-22 inches tall. Keeshond or Flat-Coated Retriever? There are two varieties, cuya única distinción están el peso.In the smaller of 3 a 5 kg and the largest of 5 a 9 kg. However, modern genetic evidence places them in a much more recent lineage, dating the Wolfsspitz-type to the 1800s. Temperament : Agile, Bright, Intelligent, Obedient, Playful, Quick, and Sturdy. The toes are nicely arched with black nails. The Giant Spitz should be fed a high-quality adult dog food formula. However, modern genetic evidence places them in a much more recent lineage, dating the Wolfsspitz-type to the 1800s. It is of a small dog, very elegant but well made and muscular.Its quite similar to a Fox head, con la frente ancha que va estrechándose según se acerca los ojos. For a long time it was assumed that he was a descendant of the Stone Age peat dog. It is believed that this breed of dog was bred in the Arctic, for the purpose of becoming exclusively a family pet. In fact, they make great companions for any member of the family. These dogs are intelligent, playful, and loving, and they come in both toy and standard sizes. Though the Giant Spitz is the largest of the German spitz type breeds, he just misses the weight range to qualify as a large-breed dog. The keeshond is an an ancient dog breed dating back to the 16th century in Holland. Their ears are triangular and pointed upward giving them a constant alert expression. Keeshonden) is a medium-sized dog with a plush, two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a ruff and a curled tail. 30 pages. I found over the years no clear country where the first dogs came from just always "middle europe". The Wolfsspitz dog/Keeshond should have a weight corresponding to its size. It originated in Holland, and its closest relatives are the German spitzes such as the Pomeranian.Originally called the German Spitz, more specifically the Wolfsspitz, the name was officially changed to Keeshond, in . However, female Japanese Spitz range between 30-34 centimeters and males measure between 34-38 centimeters. The Giant Spitz is one of several German spitz breeds and, as such, is descendant from the Wolfsspitz who hails from the nineteenth century. . Affectionate and friendly, the Keeshond loves everyone and needs to be part of the family activities. Papillon Temperament. This breed is likely to be a little aloof around strangers and will always bark when someone . The German Spitz (Mittel). two ancient breeds: the Chow-Chow from Asia and the European Wolfsspitz. The tail should be tightly curled over the back. In fact, the FCI still considers the breed a Wolfspitz. . The first generation of the breed, at the time still called "Wolf- It originated in Germany, and its closest relatives are the other German spitzes such as the Pomeranian. The Großspitz or Giant Spitz is a breed of dog and one of several German spitz breeds and, as such, is descendant from the Wolfsspitz who hails from the nineteenth century. 30-38cm floor to withers and come in a variety of different colours. indulgeyourpet May 10, 2021, 2:33 pm. Dimensions.
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